Let April shower you with swing dancing! As the weather gets (hopefully) warmer, we have all kind of opportunities for classes and social dancing.
Mondays at Kakes
We start a new Level 1 Swing series this month on April 2nd from 8-9 PM. If you are new to swing dancing, this is where you should start.
If you've completed a month of Level 1, then you're ready to start our Level 1.5 from 7-8 PM. This month we'll be focusing on promenades and breaking out of 8-count moves.
Level 2 will be from 8-9 PM and is for those who've taken two months of 1.5. This month we're on our Six Count series. Six count is a new rhythm that comes with fun turns and moves to be integrated into your lindy hop.
We are on the third and final month of our Flatiron Stompers team! Skye and Anthony have cooked up an amazing choreography, and we can't wait to see the finished product at the end of the month!
Since the team began in February, they are no longer accepting new members. But don't worry! We'll have another team starting in June.
If you looked at the calendar, you realized April has five Mondays- that means specialty classes for you! On April 30th, we will still be running the Level 2 and Flatiron Stompers classes, but in place of the Level 1 and 1.5, we will have drop in specialty classes.
7-8 PM - Shim Sham Routine ... That routine we do during the dance every Monday? That's the Shim Sham. Here's your chance to learn it!
8-9 PM - Steals Class ... Before the Shim Sham we do a birthday jam every Monday where we steal the special people. Learn some creative ways to steal and switch partners while you're dancing.
After class, from 9 PM-11 PM we'll have our regular weekly dance. Staying for the social dance is a great way to try out moves you learn from lessons, as well as get to know your classmates, and it's free if you take a class.
ON APRIL 2nd Jeremy Mohney and his band are playing for us, so stick around for some great live music!
ON APRIL 9th we are hosting a clothing swap in the other room during the dance. Please bring clothes, shoes and accessories that are in good condition but you're tired of wearing. They do NOT have to be "dance" clothes, and I'd love to see mens and women's clothing of all sizes represented. Auliya will count your stash and you may take as many items as you brought in. Anything left at the end of the night will be donated to the Humane Society Thrift Store.
Our Balboa and Shag room will be open every 3rd Monday of the month. The first half hour is a practice session with instructor available to answer questions, then DJed music from 9:30ish-10:30. This is to give our dancers some faster music, an intimate space to dance, and hopefully provide more room on the main dance floor.
Tuesdays at East Simpson Swing
Get excited for our newest night of swing dancing!
We are starting a new lesson series at East Simpson Coffee Company in Lafayette. For March, we will be running our Level 1.5 Swing Out month from 6:30-7:30 PM. This month focuses on swing out moves, turns, and dancing with the music. Following is our Level 1 Intro to Swing lesson from 7:30-8:30 PM. This level is great if you're brand new to swing or need a refresher!
Wednesdays at SKEYE Brewing
Join us for classes on Wednesdays at SKEYE Brewing! We're starting with Level 2 at 6:30 PM. This month is our Savoy month, focusing on more lindy hop ideas and swing dance history. You are able to attend this class if you have completed both months of our Level 1.5. Of course, we still have our Level 1 for beginners starting at 7:30 PM.
ON APRIL 25TH we're having our monthly social dance after classes. Join us after classes from 8:30-10 PM for a beer, music and swing dancing!
April Workshop - Switch It Up!
Our April workshop is all about switching roles. Leaders get to work on their following skills, and followers get to work on their leading. Dancing in the other role is a great way to become a better dancer (and then you can dance with everyone!). We will cover some basic technique to help you work on the role you're not used to and teach you some fun ways to switch during a dance.
***New Time***
Our workshops are switching to Saturday afternoons!
April 14th (It's a Saturday!)
3:30-6 PM
Kakes Studios
$30 or three punches on your BSD punch card.
Swing Sweat! is continuing! The time is still 9-10 AM every Sunday at Kakes Studios. Wear comfortable clothes/shoes, and be ready to sweat to increase strength and endurance. As it gets warmer out, this is a great way to be in shape for hiking and other outdoor activities! Check it out at swingsweat.com.
Swing Lab Practice Sessions
The Swing Lab Practice Session will be continuing on the first and third Thursdays of the month (and the fifth if there is one). The first practice session will be April 5th. Expect a little more structure than previous sessions, but still a great place to work on things and ask questions.
Friendly Faces Cards
At Boulder Swing, we believe community is the most important thing, even above the dancing (gasp!). We will continue to have Friendly Faces Dance Cards every Monday night and at our monthly dances at SKEYE. When you take a card, you have to fill in the names of five people you either have never danced with or haven't danced with in at least a month. Once you complete the card (can be in one night or over the course of multiple nights), turn it in to be put in a prize drawing! It's our little way of saying thank you for dancing with people you may not know, because it makes our community so much better!
Our Blog
We need your help! We want to start adding more content to our website blog, and we want to have voices from many of our dancers! ((I know you don't want to just hear my babble all the time!)) You don't have to be an advanced dancer- we would love to hear you write about anything you're interested in related to swing dancing. Some topic ideas: vintage fashion, swing dance history, music, places to swing dance or a cool dance event you went to, your experience with dancing...
If you are interested or want to chat about a topic to write about, please email sarah@boulderswingdance.com.
Just one more quick note:
Online reviews actually help us out a lot! We'd love to hear about your experiences on Google or Yelp.